Welcome Shazia!

We’re very happy to welcome Shazia Parveen, who worked with us as a JRF for some time and has now formally joined the lab as a PhD student. Shazia has a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology from Jamia Millia Islamia New Delhi, and an MSc in Molecular Medical Microbiology from IIT Kharagpur. She is interested in using experimental microbial evolution to answer questions such as: how do microbes adapt to various biotic and abiotic stresses? What is the genetic basis of adaptation? What are the factors that can impact adaptation dynamics of a bacterial population? She says, “In my PhD, I am excited to learn how to do science, solve unanswered questions, make novel observations and describe things that have never been described by anyone before.” On weekends, Shazia enjoys gardening, painting and traveling. We look forward to her exciting new discoveries!

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